ICDA has been established to support the growth of carriage driving as an integral part of the FEI’s mission to develop equestrian sport globally. ICDA was founded to increase the number of athletes that participate in these international competitions and to ensure that athletes’ views on the development of the sport, rules and regulations are represented directly to the sport’s governing bodies.

ICDA represents the interests of all athletes across horse, pony , U25 and para equestrian driving classes.

The membership fee is free for 2023 and 2024. At the General Assembly in 2024 the membership fee will be set yearly. We expect the membership fee to be in the region of €25.

A Member is an active 2* or 3* driver at FEI level or has competed the last two years at this level (Please see Statutes for more info).

Supporters, including all former drivers, officials, organisers, volunteers and grooms, etc. of carriage driving are also eligible to join. However, Supporters may attend the General Assembly, but are not eligible to vote.

Yes! Supporters, including all former drivers, officials, organisers, volunteers and grooms, etc. of carriage driving are also eligible to join. However, Supporters may attend the General Assembly, but are not eligible to vote. (Please read the Statutes for detailed information.)

ICDA intends to have a direct line to the Driving Technical Committee as well as to the FEI as an organisation. Questions, comments and ideas can be sent to ICDA – these will be discussed within the board and there will always be feedback on any action.

Of course, the individual board members are always willing to lend a listening ear, but the most convenient thing is to send an email to the office, so that this is discussed with the (daily) board. The email address for this is: office@icda-driving.com

In 2022, a number of active drivers from all classes were asked to take a seat on the Committee. This group will form the initial Committee in the coming period.  A retirement schedule will be introduced, after which new candidates will be given the opportunity to represent ICDA and the driving sport each time by vote of the Members at the annual General Assembly.

The start up and initial operating costs are kindly funded by sponsorship enabling us to offer free membership until January 2026.

No Membership Fees Until 2026!